The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170917 Message #4208133
Posted By: MaJoC the Filk
10-Sep-24 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: MaJoC's ditties
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: This Old Mouse
Title: This Old Mouse Author: MaJoC (Dr M J Carter) Original: This Old House Comments: Once I can locate a three-button serial tracker with a billiard-size ball ... [*sigh*]
This Old Mouse
This old mouse been used by children, This old mouse been used by brats; This old mouse been used by undergrads who never use the mat. This old mouse is getting grubby, This old mouse is gone to seed, For there's caked-on cruft and cobwebs More than halfway up its lead.
Ain't a-gonna knead this mouse no longer, Ain't a-gonna knead this mouse no more; Now its clicks are in the window, Now its clicks are on the floor, Now its chronic inconsistency's A constant clickin' pain; Ain't a-gonna knead this mouse no longer --- Gonna get a tracker to take the strain.
This old mouse once pixel-perfect, This old mouse once all the rage, This old mouse mislays its driver, This old mouse betrays its age When its cursor acts the drunkard And its once-straight lines are rough: On its rollers and its idler wheel there's half a ton of cruft.
Ain't a-gonna knead this mouse no longer, Ain't a-gonna knead this mouse no more; Ain't no time for shoulder stiff'nin', Ain't no time for knuckles sore, Ain't no time for tennis elbow, Wrists on fire or finger pain; Ain't a-gonna knead this mouse no longer --- Gonna let a tracker relieve the strain.
---- This parody Copyright (c) 1999, 2003 Martin J Carter Filkstamp: Wed Aug 18 2:41:24 1999
This was written in the days before the advent of optical computer mice, when I was in charge of the undergrad computing room; my main task seemed to be dealing with plaintive cries of "this mouse ain't working". I was at the time looking for a trackball to help relieve the stress-fracture RSI in my primary-click finger [snip: full saga available on request].
cruft: a rather horrible greyish substance (you don't want to know on a full stomach) which grows on and befouls the rollers in ball-based mice. See also the Wikipedia entry, and sense 2 of the Jargon File entry for crufty, and shudder.