The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37437   Message #4208185
Posted By: GUEST,Pondgirl
11-Sep-24 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Y Mochyn Du / Old Black Pig (Welsh)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Y Mochyn Du / Old Black Pig (Welsh)
We know a pig song to this tune as well in English, about baseball pitcher Bobby Thigpen. As far as we know the pitcher doesn’t actually have a private pigpen, but the song is still fun to sing.

The verses are funny couplets, the chorus seems to be a call to porcinism. As my mom said once “When do the trees NOT have twigs?”

So without further ado,


Have you heard of Bobby Thigpen,
Well he had a lovely pigpen,
Since the pigs were always chattin’,
Bought a handbook in Pig Latin?

When the trees have twigs,
When the trees have twigs,
When the trees have twigs,
It is time to save the pigs!

He had his own private pigpen,
Well, at least it once was private,
‘Til he bought his own pig trailer,
And he taught the pigs to drive it!

Bobby trained his pet pig Ponda
To watch films with Henry Fonda,
And if someone tried to spoil it,
She would push them in the duckpond!   

Bobby Thigpen had two sistas,
And they both were porcinistas,
They’d go out and save the pigs,
Every night in different wigs!

Never visit Bobby Thigpen,
For his house is quite a pigpen,
All you’ll hear is oinks and squealing,
And there’s pig tracks on the ceiling!

Well he had a pig named Mabel,
Sick and tired of her stable,
She went jumping over pigpens
‘Til she flipped the kitchen table!

Well he taught his pig to fly,
With a jetpack in the sky,
And according to the theories,
That’s the year he won World Series!