The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172874   Message #4208217
Posted By: Doug Chadwick
12-Sep-24 - 05:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Language Pet Peeves part II
Subject: RE: BS: Language Pet Peeves part II
... is this a reflection of an instant society, ...

It was ever thus. How many people wait for an omnibus or push their babies in perambulators?
People keep fit at the gym;
They get sick if they catch flu;
If their pet gets sick, they will take to the vet but they might have to phone for an appointment first;
A Sales Rep should be good at maths/math;
If I want to sell something, I could put a small ad in the local paper;
I could visit the seaside and walk along the prom.

That will do for now but I am sure people could come up with plenty of other examples.