The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172859   Message #4209008
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
28-Sep-24 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
When I navigate to the site in the cologne link above my Fakespot browser extension pops up and cautions "Potential Seller Issues" and "Limited Internet Presence." Ha. Just limited because of this new site. Anyway, it seems to be a suitable warning for the site.

Trump is entangled with christian nationalist activists who have supported his causes in several venues. In particular the Supreme Court. Here is a Mother Jones article by Rob Schenck, a former member of the group.
My organization, Faith and Action in the Nation’s Capital, had created an initiative we called “Operation Higher Court” that trained wealthy couples as “stealth missionaries,” befriending Thomas and his wife, Ginni; Samuel and Martha-Ann Alito; and Antonin and Maureen Scalia—­lavishing­ them with meals at high-end restaurants and invitations to luxurious vacation properties. Alongside these amenities, our ministry offered prayers, gift Bibles, and the assurance that millions of believers thanked God for the decisions this trio of justices rendered on abortion, health care, marriage, and gun ownership. . . . When President George W. Bush nominated Roberts for chief justice, I was in a private box seat at the Senate confirmation hearing. At Alito’s confirmation, I was the guest of Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the three-time Senate Judiciary Committee chair. And when Donald Trump chose Neil Gorsuch after Scalia’s death, not only was I present for the hearing, but a month before, I had coordinated prayers for Gorsuch and his family in a nearby chapel. On more than one occasion, I knelt in prayer alongside Mike Pence (when he was a member of Congress from Indiana) and other lawmakers in the vanguard of the new right.

Sometimes it takes a while for all of the penny to drop for folks in these organizations. This is a long read, so far I've skimmed it but will go back to read closely this evening. From Schenk, "My change of course so late in life has been painful, disorienting, and costly."
It took two years to extract myself. I dismantled the organization I had spent more than two decades building, walking away from a multimillion-dollar donor base. ­I called countless people to explain why I was leaving the movement I’d helped lead. ­I reached out to others to beg their pardon for the harm I had inflicted. I repented in prayer for my errors and the damage they caused. Then, I privately dedicated the rest of my life to doing as much repair as possible.