While rummaging in the box room today, I came up with my undergraduate jacket. Designed and made 45 years ago for a teenage boy with hips like a trout, it's a bit stiff now and makes creaky noises when I move around, but by George it fits! Well, better to say that it fits as well as it did in 1979: I can zip it up and close all the snap fasteners. The sleeves are a tad long and there's room inside it for a heavy sweater -- but, in this climate, that's a feature, not a bug.
I'm told that Queen's University makes these in women's sizes now. In my day (class of 1983), it was somewhat transgressive for women to wear them. So of course I acquired one and wore it, and might as well wear it again!
The ketogenic diet has had me running low on calcium for six months, so it's time to adjust to a less restrictive low-carbohydrate regimen that allows me to eat yogurt more often, and drink milk at all. I felt positively gleeful yeterday as I nipped out for a two-litre carton of what we in Ontario call "homo" -- i.e., homogenized milk with 3.5% butterfat. A mug of cocoa has never been such a luxury.