The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22283   Message #4209320
Posted By: GUEST,The Queensland Tiger
06-Oct-24 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Days of Forty Nine
Subject: RE: Origins: The Days of Forty Nine
Here is the version I just recorded.
I paticularly like the final chorus.
I'm old Tom Moore from the bummer's shore
In the good old golden days.
They call me a bummer and a gin sot, too
But what care(s) I for praise
I wander ‘round from town to town
Just like a roving sign,
And the people all say, " There goes Tom Moore
From the days of '49.”
The days of '49.”
My comrades, they all loved me well,
A jolly saucy crew,
A few hard cases, I’ll admit,
But they were brave and true ;
They ne'er would flinch, whate’er the pinch
They ne’er would fret or whine —
Like good old bricks, they stood the kicks
In the days of '49.
The days of '49.
[CHORUS 1]        
For the days of old, for the days of gold
How oft-times I repine
For the days of old when we dug up the gold
In the days of'49.
In the days of'49.
There was Black Jack Bill , one of the boys
He was always in for a game
No matter he lost or whether he won,
To him ‘twas all the same
He’d ante up and draw his cards
He’d go a hatful blind
But in a game with death,
Bill lost his breath,
In the days of '49
The days of ‘49
There was New York Jake, a butcher's boy,
He was fond of getting tight
But every time that he got drunk
He was spoiling for a fight
Then Jake ran up against a knife
In the hands of old Bob Klein
And over Jake, we held a wake
In the days of '49
The days of ‘49
Another chap from New Orleans
Big Reuben was his name,
On the plaza there, on a sardine box
He opened a faro game,
He dealt so fair, a millionaire
He became in the course of time,
Till Death stepped in and called the turn
In the days of '49.
The days of ‘49.
There was old Lame Jess, a hard old cuss,
Who never would repent ;
He was never known to miss a drink
Nor ever spend a cent;
But old Lame Jess,like all the rest,
To Death, he did resign
In all his bloom, went up the flume
In the days of '49.
The days of ‘49
There was "Monte" Pete , I‘ll n’er forget
The luck he always had
He’d deal for you, both day and night
As long as you had a scad
One night a pistol "laid him out"
His last "lay out" so fine …
It caught Pete sure, right in the door
In the days of '49.
The days of ‘49.
There was roaring Bill, from Bullafo
I never will forget …
He’d roar all day, and he’d roar all night
And I guess he's roaring yet ;
One night he fell in a prospect hole
‘Twas a roaring bad design ;
And in that hole, roared out his soul
In the days of '49.
The days of ‘49.
Of all the comrades that I had                        
There's none left here to boast ;
I'm all alone in my misery
Like some poor wandering ghost ;
And as I pass from town to town
They call me the ramblin’ sign —
"There goes Tom Moore, a bummer sure,
From the days of '49.
The days of ‘49."
Oh, I miss the boys, and all the noise,
And the gold that once was mine ;
I’m battered and old, but our hearts were bold,
In the days of'49.
In the days of'49.