The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148232   Message #4209365
Posted By: Backwoodsman
07-Oct-24 - 05:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel & Hamas & gaza strip 2024
Subject: BS: Israel & Hamas & gaza strip
The State of Israel has effectively held 2 million Gazan Palestinians hostage in their own country for many years. Now they are engaged in ethnic cleansing and an illegal land-grab.

What Hamas did a year ago was inhumane and utterly indefensible, but something of that kind was inevitable after years and years of oppression of the Palestinians in Gaza. But what the State of Israel has done since, and continues to do, is far worse - it’s State-sponsored terrorism which has cost over 30,000 Gazan lives, displaced a million more, and now threatens the entire Middle-East with all-out war.

Nobody is innocent in this debacle, and there will be no winners.