The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173589   Message #4209476
Posted By: Thompson
09-Oct-24 - 01:48 AM
Thread Name: Tech: We hacked a robot vacuum - & more
Subject: RE: Tech: We hacked a robot vacuum - & more
"…a woman who fled an abusive relationship with three children and few belongings found her perpetrator easily tracked her down to each high-security refuge she visited. Staff eventually realised the man was using anti-theft technology inside the woman's car." \

"Popular car brands are collecting and sharing driver data from braking patterns and odometer readings to vehicle location and voice recognition information, consumer advocacy group Choice has found."

"Tesla collects short images and videos from cameras inside and outside their cars. Tesla workers have been caught sharing among themselves highly invasive camera recordings of Tesla customers in the nude, as well as images of crashes and road-rage incidents."

"The findings of the Choice investigation are similar to those of the US-based Mozilla Foundation, which last year found 25 car brands collected customer data ranging from facial expressions to sexual activity and where and how people drive. Cars were a "privacy nightmare on wheels" and "the official worst category of products for privacy" the foundation said it had ever reviewed."