The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17189   Message #4209488
Posted By: Nick Dow
09-Oct-24 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Billy Brink / Bluey Brink
Subject: RE: Origins: Billy Brink / Bluey Brink
Thanks again Robert. In fact Kidson did spend time in Leeds. He lived there, how ever his informant Charles Lolley who later became his collaborator was a successful business man in his own right, in the building trade. Mr. Holgate was an importer of cloth, and both men had a vast repertoire of traditional folk songs, gleaned on their travels. They were both middle class men. It does rather blur Lloyds class based divisions, or anybody else's for that matter. However Kidson did not publish any so called industrial songs, and the Hudleston collection (1940' to 60's), only has very few, and those seem to be based on existing poems. Then again Sharp went through the Appalachians without collecting a single mining song. However I err toward the 'Industrial song' category as being a subdivision rather than an independent medium.