The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44796   Message #4209604
Posted By: GUEST,Julia L
10-Oct-24 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: Versions: The Spanish Lady
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Spanish Lady
As I'm sure many of you know the tune, Spanish Lady, from the 17th century Skene manuscript has lyrics regarding a romance between an English captain and his Spanish captive. A different song to be sure but I submit as follows

The Spanish Lady

Will you hear a Spanish Lady,
How an English man she woo'd.
Tho' he held her as his captive,
Ever gentle was his mood.
Tho' by birth and parentage of high degree
Much she wept when orders came to set her free.

"Gallant captain, shew some mercy
To a lady in distress,
Leave me not within this city,
I shall die of heaviness;
'Tis an empty mockery to set me free
While my heart in prison still remains with thee.

"It would be a shame, fair lady,
Should I bear a woman hence,
English soldiers never carry
Any such without offense."
"O, I'll quickly change myself, if so it be,
Like a page, whee'er thou go'st I'll follow thee.

"On the seas are many dangers,
Many tempests there arise,
Which to ladies will be dreadful,
Drawing tears from gentle eyes."
"well in troth, will I endure extremitie,
I could find in heart to lose my life for thee."

"Courteous lady, cease to tempt me,
let us end this gentle strife,
I in England have already,
A sweet woman to be my wife."
"Then within a nunnery immur'd I'll be.
Daily pray'rs I'll offer for thy love and thee.

Fare-thee-well, thou gallant captain,
Bear thy love this chain of gold,
Tho' I doated on thee fondly,
Count not Spanish ladies bold;
Joy and true prosperity still go with thee."
"May they ever be thy lot, thou fair ladie.