The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17189   Message #4209678
Posted By: The Sandman
12-Oct-24 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Billy Brink / Bluey Brink
Subject: RE: Origins: Billy Brink / Bluey Brink
Based on an analysis of Lloyds scholarship, I would suggest that all scholarship needs to be treated, not as Gospel, but there to be carefully studied, before believing hook line and sinker, to accept any scholarship without challenging it is Naive.
I long ago rejected some of Lloyds statements.
So when somebody stats that Lloyd was lies, It might be fairer and more accurate to add some of his statements are fabricated , and perhaps suggest why, at that time he might have done so, and that he did not do it for financial gain, and then actually give examples of his errors, good scholarship involves giving examples of his errors and mistakes.,AND POINTS OUT TO NON SCHOLARS HIS SCHOLASTIC WEAKNESS

With Music there will be crossovers between genres, something I have been aware of since the mid sixties "bluegrass" is an example, AUDIENCES still need to know what they are going to listen to, if i see something described as New Orleans Jazz, and am looking forward to it,I dont want to suddenly be presented with an evening of some other genre..I will be disappointed even if it is a genre i like
if i am expecting an evening of Traditional unaccompanied ballads and this is what i have paid, for I would be perplexed if i am presented with Cosmotheka or Mr Gladstones bag
So categorisation is necessary to some small extent.