The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148232   Message #4209723
Posted By: Thompson
13-Oct-24 - 05:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel & Hamas & gaza strip 2024
Subject: RE: BS: Israel & Hamas & gaza strip 2024
BBC Radio 4's Sunday programme this morning had interviews with Christians in Gaza which would make the tears drop from your face.
As for the brutal illegal settlers, the trouble is that as far as I can see they are the government now; Palestinians describe mobs of thugs coming to beat them as they try to harvest their olives, to burn their homes and steal their land - and the army supporting the thugs, not the home owners.
More settlers are flooding into tiny Israel from settlements abroad, according to this Maariv which claims to be sourced from the Hebrew-language paper Maariv.
For the "religious right" and it is increasingly clear, for the Government of Israel, the plan is ethnic cleansing: settlers in Gaza.