The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4210099
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
19-Oct-24 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
I finally started a spreadsheet to keep better track of those donations. If you don't you'll get annual donation requests from groups every few months and I always wonder when I last paid. I know I'm actually giving annually now, and I picked up a couple I'd let lapse.

Got a good workout in the kitchen today as I cut up a lot of lettuce for salad (the salad spinner after washing lettuce is a concentrated upper body workout if you overstuff the spinner basket) then made tahini sauce, made the tea for iced tea, and finally, made the felafel balls and had them ready when guests arrived. Not a lot of food, but I don't seem to have cooked as much this summer (because it's summer, mostly). One thing about the ADHD meds, they make it easier to plan and execute a meal like this without getting distracted from what you're doing. Last Thanksgiving was amazing that way.

I'm halfway through the long weekend of cat-sitting activities; I got the little guy back on track eating enough so he doesn't need to go to the vet for extra attention. I'll head over there for the dinner meal so I can get home in time to watch Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I'll miss Sister Boniface - I haven't watched many of those but as goofy as they both are, that one is more contrived. I haven't quite figured out what her exact period is, but she seems (like the Father Cadfael mysteries) to be out of sync with the actual skills and philosophy of her fictional "time."

Dishes running, laundry needs folding, and there are always papers that need filing and general picking up around here.

Felafel was good, and the carbs in chickpeas aren't as high as many other grain or bean-type foods. Along with the salad and tahini sauce it was pretty high in protein and fat compared to carbs. And it turns out all of our group are adjusting our diets lately, for various reasons. One guest is now cooking for one, another thinks he's borderline diabetic and finally has access to health insurance (eligible for Medicare and an Advantage plan) and the other is dealing with allergies. It's always something!