The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4210245
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
22-Oct-24 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
More sewing in my future - not just the skirt. I'll modify the shirts headed for the dog bin. One of the trashed t-shirts the dogs wore post-surgery had a "normal" neckline, but for dogs that hole is large enough that if they happen to snag the shirt on their own back foot (step on it) they can actually walk out of the shirt through the neckhole. The old one has a large dart sewn into the back of the neck narrowing that orifice. The thing is, if they want they could shred the shirts in no time flat, by themselves or through roughhouse play, but they all seem to understood this is the accommodation to live with if they don't want to wear the "Elizabethan cone" (the huge plastic cone of shame that clobbers the bodies of other dogs and legs of humans nearby and makes exit through the dog door difficult.)

In the pantry I've pulled out a flat of canned relish and pickles from 2020 that will go into the compost, jars into the dishwasher. There is another flat of jelly down there, and I'm continuing to dissolve more of it to be poured as fertilizer over various plants that benefit from a boost. I plan to put in a garden in next spring so these jars will be used for canning tomatoes and making non-sweet (or low-sugar) relish and pickles, and pickled okra (for the neighbors who love it).

The neighbors notice if I have a garden or not. In the past when my knees were so bad I didn't do much one year, but after the first surgery and I could do the work, people stopped to say they were glad to see the garden and hoped I was well. So in the spring if people ask, I'll let them know that statins aren't for everyone, case in point.

Charmion, we'd love a report about the arrival of the toaster and where it will live. It sounds small enough that it should be in view where it can be a work of art when it isn't being a utilitarian item.

Dorothy, did you get your ballot mailed?