The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173399 Message #4210361
Posted By: Ebbie
25-Oct-24 - 04:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: American Presidential race 2024
Subject: RE: BS: American Presidential race 2024
There is a tune that we do, called The End of the World, from the long-ago dobro-playing Oswald Kirby. Players on the various instruments in our group take their turn at being featured, but because I can no longer play guitar because of my frozen shoulder I wrote a couple of verses to the tune, which we all sing when it’s my turn. They go: “When the darkness gathers ‘round, silently, without sound Voices bleak seem to speak through the gloom Everything will disappear, erasing all that I hold dear Then I believe that I can see the end of the world.
“But with the coming of the dawn when all trace of dark has gone And the Earth knows its worth, again will bloom And bright sun’s sweet caress brings me hope and happiness Then I can see there’ll never be an end of the world.”