The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32051   Message #421073
Posted By: Bill D
19-Mar-01 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bizarre Moments in Our Times
Subject: RE: BS: Bizarre Moments in Our Times
yes Naemanson, I see very well the connection between the jujuman and other religions..but the growing out of such things is like is SLOW...most of us no longer believe in flat earth or dipping suspected witches to test for truthfulness, but we still do other things that are just as is hard to wrap your mind around the LONG view and realize just how recently truly decent research and writings have been done,,(or even allowed, in many cases) Copernicus and Giordano Bruno were just yesterday in the history of mankind. Young children are not able to discriminate between a good story and reality, and many people resent and resist being told that Santa Claus is a nice myth, and in my opinion, some of them hold to other myths simply because it is not easy to prove otherwise....and it is often hard for me to grit my teeth and FIGHT for their right to believe any silliness they wish to, but I do sincerely fight for such rights...(but I also defend MY right and need to limit certain expressions of those rights when they intrude and threaten my peace and public rights..) [yep...a lot packed into that last sentence, hmmm?..*grin8]