The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173620   Message #4211062
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
05-Nov-24 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: Songs that mention food
Subject: Lyr Add: THE PIZZA SONG (Trish Santer)
And to follow that, here's my pizza song:

© Trish Santer - Oct 2002

Well, you can't eat that pizza, 'cos it's mine,
I bought it for a very special reason,
There ain't another pizza quite like it in the world,
So leave it in that freezer just a-freezin'.

I went to Tesco's Friday 9 p.m.,
I waited for the girl with the stickers and the marker pen,
When she marked that pizza down to less than half a crown
I had the very best bargain in the end.


It may be just a simple Margarita,
But I have plans to make it taste much sweeter,
With a full tin of anchovies, and half a pound of stovies,
And pepperoni, cheese and more tomater.


I'm saving it for after the theater,
We won't have time to eat till so much later,
It's then when we're both starving, that pizza we'll be halving,
So tonight you'd better have a baked potater.


So now it's at the bottom of the freezer,
Where maybe it could be forgot for ever,
But in a year or two, when it's perma-frosted through,
I'll be so glad I kept that bargain pizza.
