The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173671 Message #4211698
Posted By: GUEST,DalePetty
15-Nov-24 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Ban the Bomb It's the Highest Priority
Subject: Lyr Req: Ban the Bomb It's the Highest Priority
Not sure of the title, but I'm looking for the rest of the lyrics to a song that starts out:
On the night of the Wembley Cup final, I had a most horrible dream I’d just been invited to play for United and Matt put me onto the team Like a regular hero I charged down the field, and the goal lay wide open ahead The crowd bellowed “Shoot”, I’d the ball on me boot, when the ref blew his whistle and said….
Ban the bomb, it’s the highest priority Don’t stand there kicking that ball If some bloody mutton should sit on the button, there’d be no more soccer at all. You who think nothing of scragging the ref, should get this idea in your head So don’t stand around, while we’re still above ground Let’s scrag old McMillstone instead.
I'm thinking it was written by Sydney Carter or Leon Rosselson, but I'm not certain. Thanks, Dale