The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173674 Message #4211780
Posted By: GUEST,Peter Laban
16-Nov-24 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: Best books on Irish music?
Subject: RE: Best books on Irish music?
I just had a post disappear on me but I'll try again:
I'd happuikly throw Helen O'Shea's book on Paddy Canny, 'No Better Boy im the ring. Not without its critics but it's a good piece of biography and social history.
Howard Marshal's 'Out of Darkness', tracing the footsteps of blind iper Garrett Barry. With beautiful photographs by Ben Taylor.
Fintan Vallely's book on Ben Lennon 'The tailor's twist' with photographs by Nutan is lovely.
Older and perhaps harder to find is Peter Woods' 'The living note' with photography by Christy McNamara.
Fintan Vallely and Charlie Piggott's 'Blooming Meadow' Interviews with a bunch of musicians and singers. Photographs by Nutan again.
Tom Munnelly's wonderful collection of Tom Lenihan's songs 'A Mount Callan garland' has been reissued and is available from ITMA. With CD
Seamus Ennis' collection diaries 'Going to the well for water'
But you land on quite specific interests with some of those. So again, it depends on your angle and interest. There's loads more, obviously but some examples. ' Ritchie Piggott did a lovely one on Irish American music in the last century.