The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173636   Message #4211868
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
18-Nov-24 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: Irish but Not Scottish Sessions. Why?
Subject: RE: Irish but Not Scottish Sessions. Why?
Ha-ha, Jim: a Charlie Brown I'll never be - unless a Charlotte!
I agree that it's hard to play any instrument and sing at the same time when you're first learning an instrument - I've been through it with piano, guitar and box, but if you're lucky and keep at it, eventually the playing falls under the fingers. I know you are adept at doing both together, having seen you performing live on a number of occasions. (and you even stayed in our house once!)
As for that funny fingering, you get used to it, using the outer row of right hand from day 1, just as on the piano, you have to play white and black notes in most, if not all, keys: I don't even think about "crossing the rows" which seems to hold a great mystique for D/G players.