The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172983 Message #4211916
Posted By: Mr Red
19-Nov-24 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Joke thread for 2024
Subject: RE: BS: Joke thread for 2024
Are you channeling Donuel Mr Red? - No - channelling narcissists that tell us what is and isn't funny. &/or surrogates thereof.
My GF, in response to a misattribution of a painting, sans precious metals, on "University Challenge" said:
"Not all that Klimt's is gold"
It is humour of a sort, but you need the references, and the intelligent response is to say "I get it" or "If I had the references, I would smile at that one". Not "ain't funny, I tell 'em better". Or to attempt damning with faint praise invoking "allusion".
As someone opined recently somewhere I was reading. "Humour is relative to the individual". Which is "wit" in the time honoured meaning allied to "wisdom".