The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173627 Message #4212178
Posted By: GerryM
22-Nov-24 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: Song about Gaza
Subject: RE: Song about Gaza
I agree with Steve Shaw that this isn't the place for a discussion of Israel's response to the massacre of 7 October, yet I do feel I should respond to our anonymous friend. I have never said that the current course of action is correct and was the only one open to them. I am appalled by the level of destruction that has fallen upon the residents of Gaza. And I am sincere in asking those who, like me, support Israel's right to defend itself, what Israel's response should have been. I haven't been able to come up with an answer myself that satisfies me. I'm open to good faith suggestions, from anonymous guests or others, here or elsewhere (but I won't venture into the cesspit below the line).