The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80701   Message #4212634
Posted By: GUEST,, and e (no cookie)
01-Dec-24 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: I Want to Be a College Man
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: I Want to Be a College Man
Houghteling, Houghteling,
U-Rah, rah, Camp Houghteling,
Praise to thee we sing;
Praise to thee our camp beloved.
U-Rah, rah, Camp Houghteling.

I want to be a friend of yours,
Um-m-m, and a little bit more.
I want to be a pal of yours,
Um-m-m, and a little bit more.
I want to help you all I can,
Um-m-m, and a little bit more.
I want to do all I can for you.
Um-m-m, and a little bit; um-m-m, and a little bit;
Um-m-m, and a whole lot more.

August, 1924, St. Andrew's Cross: A Church Mazaine for Laymen, pg 349