The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173702   Message #4212708
Posted By: GUEST,Malcolm Storey
02-Dec-24 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Whitby Folk Festival Programmes
Subject: Whitby Folk Festival Programmess
I am endeavouring to put together a database of all events listings for Whitby Folk Festival / Whitby Folk Week.
The festivals I was involved in (1982-2006 inclusive) I already have just completed and am happy to share.
I am hopeful that the subsequent years will be easily digitally available but if not I have copies of the programmes.
The festival was started by Tony Foxworthy in 1966 and I am looking for event details for the years 1966-1972, 1974, 1976 & 1978.
The library at Cecil Sharp House have supplied me with photos of the events sections of a couple of years which I did not have. I actually have more years than they do and will be ensuring they get copies of whatever else I either have or can unearth.
I should have started this about twenty years ago but I was rather busy at the time!