The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4213653
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Dec-24 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
That exhibit sounds like quite a spectacle!

Many years ago when I was still an undergraduate I took AMTRAK from the Pacific NW cross country to visit some aunts in Baltimore and Connecticut. I paused on the way to spend a few days in Chicago area with a friend from school. I was killing time waiting for her to meet me and spent a couple of hours at the Art Institute in downtown Chicago, where they had a traveling exhibition of a triptych of three of Monet's huge Water Lily paintings. (I think it's the same that is on exhibit at the MoMA in NYC right now). As I recall I was travelling in layers including overalls and a heavy jacket and my large red backpack had to be checked at the cloak room. (There are times when you can look back and be embarrassed for your younger self for a lack of style, or at what might be considered the dismissal of it.)

A few items will go with me to hand over at lunch today when I meet my daughter, and chances are good that she'll have a bag of recycling to give to me. I tend to end up ahead, giving her more stuff. Then the first of a few holiday celebrations this afternoon. I have stuff in my freezer to pull out and make a batch of cranberry bars to give away (I'm not eating them myself but I hate to just throw out the ingredients). Tis the season for cranberries! I've made cranberry juice and put the solids in the freezer. They go in the bottom of a cake pan and have a cake mix and chopped nut topping added then bake and turned over. They are amazing, but talk about carbs.

I should offer up some of my garlic corms on the buy nothing page - it's the time to plant them. What else from the yard could go? I have some trees and shrubs in pots. I'll ask my daughter if she wants any and go from there.