Patty, the good news is that eBay will have not given the money to the seller yet because you filed for a refund, so you will get the money back, it's part of their guarantee. The mailing label should be an email or download message, you should already have it there somewhere.
Several years ago I bought a stand up desk (it is the one with the crank handle that fits on either side, it doesn't have a motor) and after the big rearrange of the office and equipment I have all of the cables and equipment placed so I can raise it without risking anything pitching over the side. This accomplishes two things. Standing is better than sitting all day long, and I tend to take short breaks to walk around for a couple of minutes. I don't leave it up for more than an hour or two, but it's a good way to be a bit more active while I work. An ergonomic mat is part this setup.
This morning is chilly but I'll be doing yard work later. I make a run to Lowes where my online search found an LED puck light set (advertised as under cupboard lights) that I'll replace the existing up halogen lights on top of my mantle. Every year when I set up decorations I am careful around those and it finally dawned on me that there are LED versions of just about any kind of light you can think of. Amazon and eBay have a gazillion of them with obscure named companies from China but I want to actually look at them before buying.