The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4213747
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
19-Dec-24 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Sounds a lot like my approach; selling family stuff from estates over the years. "I am not a museum" is the thing I tell myself, and research and list items. Occasionally research shows me I should keep the object, but not often. People walking up the driveway for a garage sale are not the best audience for collectibles (or they want to buy them cheap to sell themselves).

The first batch of holiday letters are addressed and ready to go to the post office. I printed out 15 and have another 15 printing now. For this alone it was worth buying a color printer (it's an Eco tank so I don't spend a fortune on ink.) I missed the carrier this morning, but if I don't finish and mail the rest this afternoon he'll get some of them tomorrow. My locking box has an enclosed compartment for placing outgoing mail that isn't visible from the street. I love that a one-time $75 purchase of that box saves me $250 a year. (I got it at a considerable discount on eBay; every so often as I shop online the CapitalOne shopping extension pops up with a price savings, and moving from Amazon to eBay for that purchase saved about $15.)