The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4213811
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-Dec-24 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Cards are mailed. Keeping in touch with distant friends is important and I have to hold up my end of it or people take me off their lists. And this year I've made a note on my address list - one person was removed and three more off next year if I don't hear back. I can only presume they don't want to stay in touch.

Today I explored the options on the Silver Sneakers program (my insurance pays for); it is best for going to gyms (no cost to me) but I was hoping they'd have online on-demand exercise sessions, but nope. I need to find someone else who goes to that gym and go at the same time to make the social aspect of it more appealing.

Deep funk has descended upon the household. Political turmoil is the prominent reason, disappointment that so many people weren't paying attention or believed the nonsense they were told. You'd think the day after the election would be the worst, followed by next month's inauguration, but it seems to be slowly blooming into a fetid cloud. And now we're all looking at a deep abyss of misery as rich folks try to reset the nation to suit themselves. Kind of takes the shine off of the holiday. Plus the cat-sitting gig feels like a death watch, one cat is just so ill and the instructions become increasingly complex. After this week she has one more trip planned that I agreed to feed them (scheduled last fall when he wasn't so far gone), but after that if the little guy hasn't been put out of his misery I may have to decline jobs until he is gone. Bleh. I'm poking around streaming sites for something new to watch as a distraction. Someone recommended Detectorists. Slow moving and charming. Really slow moving.

We have a date late next week for the family holiday gathering, and I'm thinking a late brunch. They all like blueberry muffins and pancakes and bacon and such. A veggie quiche and fresh fruit could round out the meal.

I've been trying a few of the supplements Dr. Amen recommended in his You, Happier brain health book. The combination of L-Theanine and Gaba made a difference this evening as far as the mood. (A doctor also told me about L-Theanine that she uses herself.)