The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172873   Message #4214107
Posted By: Donuel
25-Dec-24 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: MOAB's Daughter (of all BS) part 3
Subject: RE:spare thoughts part 3
Trump is probably the greatest waste of time for human consciousness.
When AI was asked about the missing Santa story it did not let on that there is no such entity. Was AI keeping the secret or was it fooled?

If you stood on the moon the Earth will never appear to rise.
Because the moon makes two tidal bulges on a spinning Earth the bulge
is slightly ahead of the moon causing it to be pulled faster resulting in the moon going farther away by 5 inches a year. This also slows the spin of the Earth ever so slightly.

Newton's gravity laws work everywhere in the observable universe except in regions of super gravity like black holes. Thats where Einstien works best. E=MC2 shows how mass and energy can be transformed into each other. At the singularity Einstiens equation doesn't work but I speculate that it is where energies exist to transform matter and energy into space fabric and not a white hole.

Here on Earth we have mammals that evolved the ability to see inside surfaces with biosonar. This might be a kind of normal ability of 4 or 5 dimensional extraterrestrial communication or senses.