The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173749 Message #4214143
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
26-Dec-24 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Boxing Day
Subject: RE: BS: Boxing Day
Boxing day here is a mad shopping day but alas, I didn't do my bit for the economy only buying a few groceries! (ps Australians also go mad on Black Friday too.)
Today I watched a young woman put down her 5 or 6 fancy branded bags to get a better grip on them, while I just trundled past pulling my personal shopping trolley. The only pre-Christmas shopping I did was to buy some beautiful Australian prawns (shrimp) so I certainly didn't do my bit for the pre-Christmas economy either.
Tho I will be getting a new Mac soon to replace my very ancient (12 years old!) Mac & I hope that will be all that needs replacing in the coming year (she sez. ignoring her old fridge)