The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4214159
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
26-Dec-24 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024

Well, here I am! Almost recovered from the marvellous visit! Taun choreographed this monumental "visit Grandma for Christmas" event. The four converged on Montreal by "bus, train and automobile" = Well -plane and automobile anyway, on Weds and Thurs. Visited Grandma on the afternoons of T,F,Sat - our designated Christmas. Robin and grandson Gareth (28) brought the boxes of pottery in from the garage on the Sat - whereupon all was revealed and sorted and choices made - 3 boxes left!!! in the car to Philly.

Then we had Christmas Dinner from our freezer - vegetable lasagna and a larger meat one and a wonderful chicken pie - all from The bakery. Dessert was the incredible Buche de Noel - strawberry sherbert and ice cream and lots of chocolate icing and just plain choc - R said it was 90% but that was just frills. (I LOVE 90%!)

The other eves they left for supper in the city but this night they stayed until 10 pm, then loaded their pottery into the car and left...

On the Thurs, they decorated! and the lights chosen for the stairwell might be there for years - they are so cheery - tiny, clear colours and a wonderful reminder that they were here!

Taun (61) and Fiancee(!) Tenley(52) - A Quaker wedding in Philly after they manage to remember to get a license!; Gareth(28) and fiancee Elise (on 1 June in Doylestown- eastern PA. And grandma is delighted that both unions have a very high chance of wonderful survival. Gareth and Elise have already been together for almost 10 years - through university and working for the same company. Two beautiful persons!      

Taun gifted me an -installed- door bell - I can see and talk to person on doorstep! My concern being a future when getting to the door might be difficult. --We are still trying to get the hearing aides to work well consistently! They are a distinct improvement most of the time. The phone rang while we were out and we managed to tell the med delivery person to put them in the mailbox! Some phone/hearing aid glitches to work out. If the phone is connected to hearing aids, the sound only comes to my ears - R could not hear! ...!!! Still in learning stage!

As for Robin and his snow tires - I throw up hands in - Oh WEll! I am only responsible for my own car! EXCEPT- if he gets taken off the road, I might have to go fetch him......!

So, Christmas Day Dinner was at Cousin Doug, and Ann and some other friends of Ann's. Doug told rob to come between 4 and 5; We got there after 5 and we started to eat about 7.... Arghhh! I nibbled, surrepticiously on a Clif Bar, reading a book for the first hour. After supper, I actually had a conversation, initiated be Ann's son James! He talked about how much he had enjoyed meeting my son at a previous family dinner. So we talked - my first conversation in that house; the hearing aids were moderately cooperative and James was kindly patient!

We came home before 10 pm and woke to a winter wonderland this morning! Still exhausted! And cheered by the lovely lights in the hall/stairs.

I can wait 'til tomorrow to go to dollar store of drawer liner: Decided to make buckwheat cakes yesterday for first time in ages, somewhow managed to spill the milk and eggs out of the bowl into an open drawer! Emptied the drawer of--- Everything, and started cleaning up the mess while the cakes cooked! Whatever was in it awaits the new liner and a re-organization! - of all those four drawers on better liner. What really needs to be there?

Taun messaged me this am that it had been a wonderful vacation for him - quality time with Gareth and Elise!