The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173742   Message #4214165
Posted By: GUEST
26-Dec-24 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: Most hated Christmas music
Subject: RE: Most hated Christmas music
Helen (a year ago) said " I was betting that at least one person here would vote against O Holy Night. I recall reading that when it was first performed there was a lot of negative criticism."
She must be older than I am, which is saying something. Back in the 1950s we used to stand round grandma's piano sing it from an old book of songs.
Don't know modern versions of it, except the one our choir MD arranged for us.

I very much agree with Steve Shaw. The one that makes me cringe is Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I thought Christmas was supposed to be a big religious festival. (though not for me now).

Heard that streaming has made a difference to the Christmas Charts. People downloading their old favourites