The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32051   Message #421417
Posted By: Wolfgang
20-Mar-01 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bizarre Moments in Our Times
Subject: RE: BS: Bizarre Moments in Our Times
Kat: I always heard She had the many-roomed mansion....:-)

Are you sure, kat? The person speaking in the citation (John 14) is Jesus (Jesa?).

Mousethief: nobody has ever PROVED evolution with repeatable experiments

I'm at a complete loss of understanding what you want to tell us by this.
- Do you mean that Naemanson was a tiny bit careless when only citing experiments as evidence where he also could have mentioned repeatable observations and mathematical modelling and...?
- Do you mean that most scientists are uneasy speaking about experiments proving anything and prefer to speak about experiments disproving a theory (as Naemanson has made completely clear in his post)?
- Do you mean that never in the history of science any single experiment has proved a complex theory and therefore it is completely obvious that the theory of evolution also falls in this class?
- Or do you intend to claim that there is no sound evidence, many of it experimental, for theories of evolution (dispite all their dissimilarities in detail)?

Mousethief again: The chief cause of death in pre-agricultural societies is murder.
Do you have a source for that? For reasons that have nothing to do with this thread I'm interested in death statistics from different countries at different times.

In general, deep in my heart I feel not the same amout of respect for all belief systems and I don't think I should. A belief system endorsing human sacrifices, a belief system in which destruction of symbols, idols, churches or what else belonging to other belief systems is thought necessary, a belief system giving part of the population, women e.g., a very subordinate role has always had much less respect from me than a belief system that says 'love thy neighbour' or a rather peaceful belief systems like many parts of buddhism.

To give you an extreme example: You may have heard of theosophy (Blavatsky) and anthroposophy (Steiner) two very esoteric systems of knowledge gathering. But I think you have not heard yet of one of the more extrem offshoots of these esoteric schools, namely ariosophy (Guido von List, Lanz von Liebenfels). Guido von List claimed to be the last magus of the Armans, a priest caste of the old Germans. His 'knowledge' came from esoteric practices in a combination of German and hinduistic thinking. He was claiming superiority of the Germans (Aryans), asking for a Fuehrer to come (in the 1910s), promoting the SS-rune for the future racist (that was a good word for him) Germany and telling that the worst threat for Germany was the 'international jewish conspiration'.
I have no respect at all for this thinking though the man was clearly claiming religious status for his ideas. I think it a pity that ideas like his, wherever they claimed to come from and whatever religious cover they used were not lauged off in his times.
