Wedding invitation arrived this morning. Quaker wedding via facetime or zoom, on the last day/afternoon of the year!. I guess some close-by will attend in person. Three years ago I could have jumped in the car... Sigh - 8 hours! I will get to see a bit of their home.
This is a learning experience! They just messaged that we will make sure I've got it, ahead of time! To make sure I make the wedding!
Was feeling barely functional all morning. Finally get moving to get the drawer liner via Grocery - useful stop and Canadian Tire - wore an n-95 at CT which seemed to help but I could still feel the energy running out! I got the liner and started looking at small vacuums but had to leave. The weather on phone tells me the air quality is bad today - even listed the pollutants. So not the Air pressure - which is good- but pollution and 86% humidity! Freezing rain starting tomorrow aft; staying home time!