The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173758   Message #4214283
Posted By: Rusty Dobro
28-Dec-24 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: 2024 Obit: Jilly-B (Bates) - UK
Subject: Obit: Jilly-B (Bates).
Sad news: our dear friend Jilly-B passed away on Christmas Day, after a protracted illness. She will be well remembered by anyone visiting the acoustic evenings at the Eel’s Foot, Eastbridge, Suffolk, in the twenty years or so prior to Covid, both as a performer in her own right and as the wife of Doc Cox, formerly of Esther Rantzen’s ‘That’s Life’ alias the recording artist Ivor Biggun.

On a personal note, she was behind me and Doc (literally) for nearly ten years as tea-chest bass player and saxophonist in the Trembling Wheelbarrows, Suffolk’ premier comedy folk-rock band. Her many friends in the local music scene will miss her greatly.