Yesterday I found a few pics of my place when I had useful stuff on top of my 2 vintage wardrobes (one belonged to my grandparents, the other was a gift.) Some of the useful stuff was craft materials, including mohairs I collected (is over-collected a word?) when making bears, & the boxes of mohair went to a friend who has an Etsy store, who also took my beading supplies to share with her friends.
Most of the useful stuff was my jigsaw collection which went (back) to charity shops in a major downsizing. Some had been new, & all I kept were 2 that had belonged to my grandmother plus another from the 50s.
I started doing on-line puzzles when my back was too sore to lean over the table & move pieces. I get 2 puzzles per day but have also been going thru the site's archives & just found this - Cloudberries’ Gradient Jigsaw Puzzle - For those who enjoy moving pieces about, you can even buy it. Most puzzles take around 10-12 mins, this only took 6.57 mins!