I'm fighting with a neighbour's air fryer, a kind loan; hoping to get some good veggie recipes working before she comes back from a long weekend of meditation and quiet. So far, roast vegetables weren't a success - I didn't realise that it cooks a lot hotter than an oven (as well as much faster and much cheaper to run and using only 55% as much energy - I was interested because my electricity supplier, which sends around energy-saving tips like times to use appliances when renewables are producing most, and times not to cook when there's extra strain on the grid, recommended air fryers for saving money and being a responsible user of energy. Going to try Jamie Oliver's cheesy chive scones today… any good vegetarian recipes warmly welcomed. Otherwise, well, got a big bag of coffee grounds from the local cafe on Christmas Eve, which have whoomphed the hotbin up to 70º (celsius), which is good news for all the festive peelings and leftovers. I'm hoping to get a Dalek compost bin in spring to transfer the hotbin contents to, and let the worms finish the composting. Neighbours do this, and they have such delicious, sweet-smelling compost that plants just eat up.