The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4214307
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
29-Dec-24 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Thompson, I always tell family please don't give me an air fryer or an instapot, I have a good set of skillets and various sized saucepans and a couple of larger stock pots and Dutch ovens that get plenty of use on the stovetop. The toaster oven is a convection variety that I found at Goodwill for $8. There is also a large glass bowl convection oven with the heat unit in the lid, large enough for a regular size loaf of bread or up to a 5-pound chicken.

I'm guessing your "Dalek compost bin" is more descriptive than a brand name? I took time this morning to look for a manufacturer on this new-to-me compost bin - it seems to be the Compost Wizard Jr. Using this will require me to have regular weeds pulled to drop in with the kitchen scraps and I have plenty of year-round weeds. Years ago I was given a Geobin that I have set up and move periodically. I use steel fence posts (the kind wires run on) to help stabilise it to keep the dogs from going over the top. You can combine more than one to create quite a large enclosure. I got some wide flat steel washers and short carriage bolts to hold it shut because the weak point on this system is plastic screws that hold it in place - they break after a while.

Sandra, I'm on the computer so much already that a puzzle there would be the end of me. It takes days or sometimes weeks to work the large ones, but it's a satisfactory hobby, especially if I'm listening to a book at the same time.

I'm thinking about making macaroni and cheese (with rice pasta) to use up some of the cheese here. It will be plenty of carbs, so small portions, but I've gone a little crazy with the cheese lately. Gotta use it faster. My omelette this morning had a wonderful organic Irish sharp cheddar that probably is more expensive per ounce than the sharp cheddar I buy at Costco, but those blocks are so big I have to race to finish them. The Town Talk packages are under ~ 8 oz each, so I'll put off buying the Costco cheddar for a while longer. TT doesn't usually have these - when they're gone, they're gone, and I move on.

Walking the dogs and gardening today and tomorrow, when the weather is supposed to be in the 70s.

Time soon to start a new page. People seem to be doing a really good job at decluttering, and there are those who are preparing to move or who are now building up their homes. Lots of good health stuff. Maybe it's time for an affirmation in the title. :)