The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172873 Message #4214318
Posted By: Donuel
29-Dec-24 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: MOAB's Daughter (of all BS) part 3
Subject: RE: MOAB's Daughter (of all BS) part 3
The quaternian beat goes on Time may rotate like a spiral with some dimensionality. Thats my wild guess. The math for that could be Hamiltonian ijk imaginary numbers. Its all beyond my ken. Just like matter tells spacetime how to curve, gravity could tell time how to move. We/I don't even know if time has any granular structure or if it is a basic force.
Time has questions to answer that's for sure. As for our own time, scientists have found 2 genes that can reset the age of a cell. Its been decades since we found the 4 genes that transforms any cell into a stem cell. Doing this one cell at a time to live longer is not practical. But there is progress and telomeres to consider. Aging may not be what we have accepted it to be.