The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20527   Message #4214398
Posted By: Lighter
30-Dec-24 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: Story Behind Wabash Cannonball & Claxton
Subject: RE: Story Behind Wabash Cannonball & Claxton
Since LDB hasn't posted here since 2013, I doubt he or she will mind if I venture to answer your question instead.

The Bunyan story is quoted from Alan Lomax's "Folk Songs of North America" (1960).

Lomax, in turn, paraphrased the tale from "The Sad Fate of the I.J.A. & S.I.," a short story by Budd L. McKillips, that first appeared in "The Signalman's Journal" for December, 1936.

McKillips made up the story from whole cloth. It makes no mention of the Wabash Cannonball.