Katlaughing started these threads many years ago, as a place where our musically-active members exchange mostly non-musical tips and moral support. By comparison, The Mother of All BS ran for years and years and accumulated over 60,000 posts (not all in one thread – the original has been down for "work" since spammers used it as an impromptu DOS attack.) MOAB also didn't help us clean our guest rooms or garages, though it did have us diving deep into our imaginations to keep the patter moving along. These annual declutter threads may add up to a lot of posts, but don't clog the server. The Sisterhood of Decluttering has thereby spared the 'Cat shutdowns and proved that organizing content, even if only once a year, is efficient.
We've discussed organizing our homes and businesses through articles from Martha Stewart and books of Don Aslett and Marie Kondo and whatever the source was of Swedish Death Cleaning. There have been dedicated declutterers who dropped in for tips for a time, finished their work, and moved on. There are lurkers who rarely say anything, but we're glad to learn of their projects or progress when they do.
Last year we saw accounts of people moving or preparing to move, a much larger project than just the Chinese sliding puzzle most of us do. I suppose some of us who have more than one floor in our houses are doing a large-scale version of Rubik's cube. Moving is harder, especially if you're doing much of the work on your own. Pacing yourself and not beating up on yourself if things need redoing or a big change in plans is part of it.
Health issues for several of us have been working out in real-time over the weeks and months of 2024, and though some former members haven't posted here lately, I've seen accounts of knee replacements and more as we get things treated or fixed and move forward. Cooking and cleaning utensils enter and leave our homes. Hearing aids (they're no good if they aren't easy to operate), vehicles, trailers, snow tires, storage units, clean garages, organizing yards and compost, they're all part of the conversation.
Here is the 2024 thread, for reference, and each one links back to prior threads. If there is some discussion in particular you're looking for, use the Google advanced search, place your terms in the top and Declutter in the "must contain" line and point it at the Mudcat site.