The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173767   Message #4214461
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
31-Dec-24 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Every time I see some immaculate modern home on a program or film I have to snort; there are people who manage to do that, but I'll never be one. Keeping up with the dog hair and sweeping regularly, dusting on occasion, and mostly just being able to find the things I'm looking for when I need them are my goals.

Having spaces set aside for specific activities means there is a room where I can work jigsaw puzzles and another one where I can sew. There is a fully functional guest room that isn't the recipient of stuff that needs to be put out of the way (my front room, kind of a second living room, is where that happens). My bedroom is the tidiest room (though there is a chair where clothes hang that aren't ready for the laundry yet) and my closet is organized. Years ago I took a hint from my father's closet when I cleared out his estate and have clothes hanging arranged by color.

To put away the holiday decorations on shelves using a sturdy step ladder mean's I'm going to have to temporarily evict the dog and her bed that now occupy my office closet. It's almost noon on New Year's Eve and I'm still puttering in my bathrobe so I will dress and get a few things done. Since the start of the New Year tends to be a depressing time (even moreso this year) I try to have the holiday stuff put away so it isn't there as a reminder of something that needs doing. I'll take down the outside stuff when I get around to it (simply unplug for now). The new LED up lights on the mantle will stay there and I'll enjoy using them, now that they don't present a fire hazard.