The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170494 Message #4214494
Posted By: GUEST,henryp
01-Jan-25 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: Any November Songs?
Subject: RE: Any November Songs?
Saint Martin's Day or Martinmas and historically called Old Halloween or All Hallows Eve, is the feast day of Saint Martin of Tours and is celebrated in the liturgical year on 11 November. The feast day has widely been superseded by Remembrance Day. Farm hands were once engaged for the next year at a hiring fair, often held in October on Old Martinmas Day. Jack Beeforth, a retired farmer interviewed by Dave Hillery in 1974, recalled going to hire staff at the hiring fair in Whitby. And he also had a story about a hiring fair, published by Roy Palmer in his book, The Sound of History (1988). As Roy Palmer wrote, hiring was a very speculative and hazardous enterprise for both parties.
A lad goes to t'hirings and meets a farmer who says, 'Ista for hiring?' 'Aye', says t’lad. 'What can you deea?' says t'farmer. 'Oh, ommost onnything on a farm', says t'lad. 'Well thoo looks a likely lad', says t'farmer. 'Wheer were you last?’ ‘Wi' him over theer', says t'lad. 'Can you get yourself a character?' says t'farmer 'and then I'll hire you'. So the lad goes over to t'feller he were wi', and asks him for a character. 'Nay, lad, you deeant want to go wi' him. He'll hunger yer and work yer and you'll have a right bad time'. So the lad goes back to t'farmer. 'Well, have you got a character?' says he. 'Why,' says t'lad, 'I haven't got one for me, but he's just given me a right one for thee'.
I have put this story into verse. It’s a song about honesty; it’s needed on both sides. And, if you read the news, it’s clear that we still have problems agreeing fair terms between employers and employees! Henry Peacock