The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148232   Message #4214549
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-Jan-25 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel & Hamas & gaza strip 2024
Subject: RE: BS: Israel & Hamas & gaza strip 2024
With the death of former President Jimmy Carter come a lot of clips of interviews. One that had me scrambling to was hearing him interviewed about his 2007 book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. He was frank in his criticism of how the Israeli nation has been cruel to Palestinians on many fronts. From a New York Times obit:
He also encountered turbulence over the title of his book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” published in 2007. Alice Mayhew, the venerated nonfiction editor who worked with him on this and other books, tried to persuade him to not use the word apartheid. But he did not budge, and the book prompted a backlash from critics who saw it as incendiary and unfair to Israel. A longtime adviser resigned in protest, as did members of a community board at The Carter Center. He defended the book, but later lamented the friendships he had lost over it.

I think his vision was clear and again, ahead of his time. I've ordered a copy of this to read now, I think it will help in articulating just what all is going wrong with what Israel is doing to Palestinians.