The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173774   Message #4214607
Posted By: and e
02-Jan-25 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sam, Sam the Lavatory Man (aka Dan Dan)
Subject: RE: Origins: Sam, Sam the Lavatory Man (aka Dan Dan)
"Sam Sam the Lavatory Man" is Roud song #44404

See here:

There is only one reference for this song -- an audio recording
from the D.K. Wilgus sound collection at UCLA, Los Angeles.
This is not in the ballad index.

I was quite surprised that there wasn't a thread dedicated to
this ditty. All I find is "Lyr Req: The Lavatory Man (not the usual one)".

As time allows, I will post the versions scraped from various
mudcat posts, field collected versions, and manuscript examples
going back to the 1920s.

The tune seems quite variable and there is some variation
to the lyrics -- the British version is strange to me --
hence the request above for voicemails. Any contribution
is appreciated.