The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173774   Message #4214609
Posted By: and e
02-Jan-25 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sam, Sam the Lavatory Man (aka Dan Dan)
Subject: RE: Origins: Sam, Sam the Lavatory Man (aka Dan Dan)
One from Girl Scout Camp...
Sam, Sam, the lavatory man
Chief inspector of the Dew Drop Inn
Issues the tissues, the papers and the towels
As he listens to the rumble of the human bowel

Down, down, down beneath the ground
Where all the poopies go floating all around
There lives Sam the lavatory man
Scooping up the poopies in his little tin can

Posted by Carolyn in the Naughty kids'greatest hits thread on June 19, 1998.

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