The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173774   Message #4214619
Posted By: and e
02-Jan-25 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sam, Sam the Lavatory Man (aka Dan Dan)
Subject: RE: Origins: Sam, Sam the Lavatory Man (aka Dan Dan)
Goddamn Sam I

Goddamn Sam, the lavatory man,
Chief Engineer of the shit house clan,
Pass out the paper, pass out the towels
Run to the rhythm of the people's bowels.
Deep Down, under the ground
Little black turds swimming round and round
Flip, flap, under that shack
I've got the shithouse blues.....
I Learned on the playground while at Elementary school in
Kensington MD USA. I sang it for my singing teacher,the l are
great Lisa Null at a lesson once and she sang me a different
but similar set of words, so the song got around.

Posted by Severn to the Lyr Req: Sewer songs on February 13, 2024.

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