The back is better, thanks to Advil and pool class.
In the locker room today, a plump woman well younger than me said that her goal for this year is what I did last year. Some months ago, this same woman scoffed at the notion of low-low-carb ketogenic eating. I blushfully accepted the compliment and forebore to remind her of her previous scorn. She who laughs last, etc.
I just ate the most wonderful stew: bigos, a Polish dish of hunter’s sausage, pulled pork, onions, carrots, mushrooms and sauerkraut in a tangy broth. Delicious! I got it from the nose-bleedingly expensive fancy grocery-cum-deli downtown, where they sell frozen soups, stews casseroles and curries among the virtue-signalling grass-fed this and organic that. Their chef is a genius with slow-cooked meats, and, although a litre of her bigos costs $16.95, it tastes worth the price.