The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173767   Message #4214665
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
03-Jan-25 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025

WEll, I again picked up "too heavy" groceries - then spent 3 days hoping I did not fracture vertebrae - as in Feb.I have stopped holding my breath and will remember to take more bags into store and only lift them one at a time! That trip to the ER was one of the worst nightmares of my life - prob The worst.

So ... It is already Friday - 3rd day of the new year! Today, I ascertained that my back is OK but energy level was barely up to get out and push level. until about 6 pm when I put cranberries on to cook - Taun's way! Watching them every few minutes lest they burn - YAY! Did a batch of apple sauce as well! There is still cauliflower soup and cooked carrots, and turkey/gravy from the bakery. Cleaned up yesterday's singed pot and accumulated cutlery and a few dishes. R helps but I need to do my share when I can.

A comment here reminded me of a visit to a couple about my age some years ago; The wife showed me around their lovely - looked like a model house ready for resale! I was stunned. Never in my wildest dreams! WE LIVE in this house!

The wedding was a bit chaotic - the tech expert may have been a bit excited about getting married! But it was a small gathering on FT, decided up and "planned" between leaving here on Sunday, getting back to Philly, getting the license and sending out lovely invitations... They did have a nice Quaker wedding - once they remembered what they had planned to say! Quaker wedding - no one officiating (as in minister) - kind of a do-it-yourself project! Attenders in person were Tenley's adult son, my ex and his 3rd wife, and the cat. On screen were R and I, T's parents and an aunt and uncle, Jeff and Agata and a couple other friends. WE did not exchange many words though I think I made an appropriately Quakerly remark.

The next morning, I pulled a notably crazy faux pas - I inadvertently hit the FT button on my phone and caught almost everyone at BF! Kind of neat actually! My son on Whidbey said a cheerful hi! Figured out what mother had done and said, "I'm going back to bed!"

And back to bed is what I am going to do!