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Thread #172859   Message #4214715
Posted By: Helen
04-Jan-25 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
An interesting article about how easy, or not-so-easy it will be for Trump to achieve his calamitous future goals. The numbers in the House and the Senate are very close and not all Republicans are lining up with his policies and projects.

Republicans control the new Congress. But it could still obstruct Trump's plans

"A new US Congress has assembled, and the Republican Party now has a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

"That's a gift to president-elect Donald Trump, who will need the support of Congress to fully implement his MAGA agenda.

"But the tight numbers present challenges for Trump in both chambers.

In the Senate, his plans face being stonewalled by the much-maligned 'filibuster'."
And in the House of Representatives, a few rebel Republicans have already defied Trump, albeit briefly, in their first vote."